AshEse Journal of Economics
Vol. 4(2), pp. 238-251, September, 2018
ISSN 2396-8966
© 2018 AshEse Visionary Limited
Dealing with Sub-Saharan Migration to Europe: Trends, Reality and Policies
Olivier Habimana
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China No. 2006, Xiyuan Ave, West Hi-Tech Zone 611731, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China
*Corresponding Author. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Received August, 2018; Accepted September, 2018.
Sub-Saharan migration to Europe raised debate for decades; migrants legally leave their countries of origin for different reasons: work, study, family, and also the search for opportunities in developed countries. Irregular migrants and refugees from the Sub-Saharan region manage to reach Europe via Sahara desert, East or West coastal Africa to Maghreb countries using various routes. In most cases they face violence, human trafficking, slavery in Northern Africa, organs trafficking, poor work conditions; and of course women and children are the most vulnerable. This paper uses detailed critical evaluation from different perspectives and experts views- authors, politicians, international organizations in charge of human rights, international migration organizations, media and policy makers – in order to provide trends and show the reality and policies concerning Sub-Saharan migrants on their way to and after reaching Europe. This paper provides recommendations to Sub-Saharan leaders, European Union countries and Human rights international organizations in order to protect the rights of migrants and refugees.
Key words: Migration, Policy, Sub-Saharan Region, Europe, Maghreb