AshEse Journal of Economics
Vol. 5(1), pp. 286-301, August, 2019
ISSN 2396-8966
© 2019 AshEse Visionary Limited
Case Report
Road Infrastructure Development as a Core Catalyst in Urban Settlement Distribution and Pattern in Ghana
Wisdom Osabutey1*, Yuan Shaofeng2, Xu Jianchun3
1,2,3Zhejiang Gongshang University, Xiasha Educational District, Hangzhou, China
*Corresponding Author. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Received February, 2019; Accepted August, 2019.
Urbanization involves increased number of trips in urban areas thus cities have traditionally responded to growth in mobility by expanding transportation supply. This paper surveys the settlement distribution changes that occurred as road network and infrastructure transformed gradually. We focus on the development of road infrastructure that allow urban cities of Ghana including Ejisu and Berekum cities to develop urban population and settlement and consequently transform from hunting/gathering(farming) economy to market exchange system of wider range of trade. In the first section a general view of urban settlement distribution was discussed in regards to West-Africa and Africa as a whole. In the second section a general sentiment concerning transportation system and its relationship to urban settlements were considered. In the third section arcgis analysis and discussion were made on the places selected for case study. It is learnt that settlement distribution has originally been affected by historical deeds which is not accounted for in here but transportation played a big role in shaping urban settlement.
Key words: Road Infrastructure, Urban Settlement, Transport Network, Ghana